Hello, loved ones!
How is everybody doing? I'm missing you all terribly over here in rainy
Montreal. This week felt like the end of days. There was an earthquake that I'm
going to claim I could feel, and as a result the water supply for the whole
city was tainted. I'm blaming the Mafia though and not some tiny earthquake for
the fact that I had to pay two dollars for the last bottle of crappy Dasani
water at the store. Oh well, at least I survived! Anyway, I hope everyone has a
pleasant Memorial Day! I'm sad I can't visit graves with family today, but I'm
thinking of you all. To start things off, I would just like to give a HUGE
SHOUT OUT to Grammy Nelson for sending me the most delightful package! It's a
good thing I don't have a car out here, because I'm pretty sure I ate ten
pounds of candy this weekend. Oh well, c'est la vie! Nevertheless, THANK YOU!
Also, SHOUT OUT to my favorite Aunt Shannon for sending me my FAVE cereal!
Sweet heavens. My companion was like, "Candy, for breakfast?" And I
was like, "It's not candy, it's Reese's Puff Cereal!" Ha ha, je
l'aime! Childhood flashbacks abounded this week. I literally cried tears of joy
I was so happy. So THANK YOU! I feel so loved this week.
So my life is pretty
much crazy right now. Ha ha I don't think you would belieb half the things that
happen to me out here. And to be honest, you would probably fear for my safety
if I divulged some of the creepy encounters I've had, but I'll tell you some of
my favorites. My number one was getting serenaded in the metros by a filthy
homeless man on crack. He says to me, "Has anyone ever told you that
you're beautiful?" And I was like, "No, never." And then he just
jumps up and yells, "WHAT?!" screams a few profanities, and then
proceeds to sing, "You... are.. so beautiful.... to meeee!" I cannot
even begin to tell you how happy and embarrassed that made me. He then grabbed
my hand and pulled me WAY too close. I was like... "Uhhh... I have to get
off at this stop... and he's like, "Not before I give you a kiss!"
Aaaand before any of you start to worry, he kissed my hand and let me free. So
fabulous. That day I was grateful for hand sanitizer, to be sure.
Last night we found
another gem. Compy and I were out street contacting when we ran into a friendly
Jewish man. He just kept saying, "Wow, you girls sure are beautiful. Why
don't you have boyfriends?" And I was thinking, "Aside from the fact
that I'm like the ICE QUEEN of the universe and a bra burning feminist, that's
a very good question." LOL. He's going to set me up with his 30 year old
son who's a lawyer. I kid you not, this offer was legit. He showed me pics and
everything. I'm seriously STOKED! He told us we would make terrific wives. My
eyes rolled so far into the back of my head that I thought they would get stuck
there. Still, every Mormon girl's DREAM is to hear that, so I feel fulfilled.
Ha ha in all honesty, I really did find this old man quite charming. At least
he wasn't yelling profanities at us or telling us we were brain washed,
schizophrenic, Bible hugging Jehovah's Witnesses (all of which I heard this
week), so I'm totally game to marry his man treat Jewish lawyer son.
This week was so, so
great! We had the CUTEST girl from the Chinese branch serve with us as a mini
missionary for four days. Such a gem! She made us sushi and bought us Chinese
food from a sketch Chinese restaurant by our house. We were in heaven! I
wouldn't mind keeping her around. ;) We also got to take her to zone conference
this week, which to a missionary is seriously better than Christmas. In the
morning Sister Cannon met us all for breakfast at a charming cafe. We're pretty
decadent here in the CMM. :) I ordered the most heavenly raspberry sorbet. And
you know me, I just loooove eating sorbet. Needless to say, zone conference was
paradise for Sister Cutler. I got to make up for a month of elderless P-Days
and flirt to my heart's content, so I'd say it was a success. Oh yeah, and the
trainings were pretty great too. ;)
We had a challenging
week, often getting caught in the rain, but coming home drenched, exhausted,
and sketched out by metro urchans telling you that they're Jesus makes you feel
like a true missionary. We had so many tender mercies this week though, so I
feel truly blessed. Yesterday my favorite French family in the ward invited us
over for Sunday gauffres, so I had my fill of Nutella and happy French chatter
that I could only understand when their sweet girls said, "One
Direction" or "Zane" or "Justin Bieber."
So far V-Day has been
FABULOUS! Sister Varella and I went to walk around Old Montreal and Old Port
today. The sun is finally out and I got to get my tourist on! We got maple ice
cream and had a ball taking pictures. Now we're going to go home and hopefully
do some much needed relaxing. I love you all SOOOOO much! I hope everyone is
having a glorious day! Enjoy summer/spring/whatever you're having! Big hugs!
Sister Syl